DrawPolyLine Method


Draws a line containing multiple segments. The points for the line are specified in arrays containing the X and Y values that describe the segments of the line. Uses the current settings of the Line property to determine the properties of the new line.

expression.DrawPolyLine(xValues, yValues)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChChartDraw object.

xValues  Required Variant. An array containing the X values used to calculate the line.

yValues  Required Variant. An array containing the Y values used to calculate the line.


This example uses the AfterRender event to draw a custom border around Chartspace1.

Sub ChartSpace1_AfterRender(drawObject, chartObject)

    Dim alXValues(9)
    Dim alYValues(9)
    Dim iCutOff
    Dim chConstants

    iCutOff = 10

    Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

    If TypeName(chartObject) = "ChChart" Then

        ' Set the array containing the x values for
        ' the line.
        alXValues(0) = chartObject.Left + iCutOff
        alXValues(1) = chartObject.Right - iCutOff
        alXValues(2) = chartObject.Right
        alXValues(3) = chartObject.Right
        alXValues(4) = chartObject.Right - iCutOff
        alXValues(5) = chartObject.Left + iCutOff
        alXValues(6) = chartObject.Left
        alXValues(7) = chartObject.Left
        alXValues(8) = chartObject.Left + iCutOff

        ' Set the array containing the y values for
        ' the line.
        alYValues(0) = chartObject.Top
        alYValues(1) = chartObject.Top
        alYValues(2) = chartObject.Top + iCutOff
        alYValues(3) = chartObject.Bottom - iCutOff
        alYValues(4) = chartObject.Bottom
        alYValues(5) = chartObject.Bottom
        alYValues(6) = chartObject.Bottom - iCutOff
        alYValues(7) = chartObject.Top + iCutOff
        alYValues(8) = chartObject.Top

        ' Set the properties for the line.
        drawObject.Line.Color = "blue"
        drawObject.Line.Weight = chConstants.owcLineWeightThick
        drawObject.Line.DashStyle = chConstants.chLineLongDashDot

        ' Draw the line.
        drawObject.DrawPolyLine alXValues, alYValues

    End If

End Sub